The Towne Lake Residential Owners Association, Inc. (ROA) is a not-for-profit corporation. The corporation is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of five (5) Directors who are elected by the Presidents of the Member Parcels (subdivisions) and Owners of the non-subdivision Parcels (apartments). Each Parcel President/Owner casts a vote equal to the number of Lots/Units within the Community. As a Master Association, the Corporation is not set up and does not operate as a Homeowners Association. Each Community Parcel President represents and speaks for the individual owners within their respective Parcels. The Board of Directors answers to, and communicates through, the Parcel Presidents/Owners to their respective members.
Towne Lake ROA Communities:
1. Courtyards at Towne Lake Owners Association, Inc.
2. Deer Run Homeowners Association, Inc.
3. Eagle Watch Homeowners Association, Inc.
4. Estates at Towne Lake Community Association, Inc.
5. George Towne at Towne Lake Owners Association, Inc.
6. Grove Park Property Owners Association, Inc.
7. Heights at Towne Lake Investment Corp.
8. MP The Palmer, LLC
9. Park at Towne Lake, LLC
10. Parkview at Towne Lake Community Association, Inc.
11. Rose Creek Homeowners and Recreation Association, Inc.
12. Summerchase Homeowners and Recreation Association, Inc.
13. T.L.H. South Homeowners Association, Inc.
14. The Arbors at Towne Lake Homeowners Association, Inc.
15. The Cottages at Towne Lake Condominium Association, Inc.
16. The Crossings at Towne Lake Condominium Association, Inc.
17. The Fairways of Towne Lake Homeowners Association, Inc.
18. Towne Lake Hills Community Association, Inc.
19. Wellesley Community Association, Inc.
20. Wyngate Community Association, Inc.